How quickly will my products ship?

Once your order is received, it will be processed within 24 hours and shipped via Priority Mail. Most orders will be received in 3-5 business days.

Can I return products?

Unopened, undamaged products may be returned. Please see our Return Policy for further information.

Is my packaging recyclable?

In an effort to reduce waste, Southern Pearl packaging is kept to a minimum with earth friendly materials. Look for the recycling arrows to determine which products can be recycled.  

Are Southern Pearl products safe? 

All Southern Pearl products are free of Parabens, Sulfates, and other harmful ingredients such as Formaldehyde, Phthalates and Oxybenzone. 

How do I contact Southern Pearl if I have a question about my products or skin routine?

Website: please visit our Contact Us page to submit questions or inquiries

Email: skinhelp@southernpearlskincare.com

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